
Esta página pretende ser el ECO de la Voz de DRY, 15M, Indignados y otros movimientos políticos u organizaciones de cualquier tipo, siempre que sean pacíficas y que busquen el bienestar y la Igualdad social, del Mundo en general y de España en particular.

Intento de unión de grupos, asociaciones, movimientos y organizaciones, sindicatos, partidos o plataformas políticas sean de la clase o ámbito que sean, con un mínimo, único e irrenunciable para el consenso; el poder real de esta unión que podría surgir, estaría en cada afiliado, no en los órganos de los partidos o de las organizaciones o movimientos como sucede actualmente, pudiendo una mayoría suficiente (3/5, por ejemplo) de afiliados, vetar cualquier decisión de estos órganos, creando desde el inicio una verdadera democracia, porque si no tenemos una base democrática, no será posible hacerla efectiva en la política actual. Cada votación se realizaría en igualdad de condiciones, a razón de una persona = un voto.

Que nadie piense que por estar las páginas debajo de estas líneas aún vacías, eso significa que la propuesta no marcha o está parada, en absoluto es así, puedes visitar el grupo de trabajo para comprobar que se está gestando poco a poco y que en breve empezarán a llover mails a todo tipo de organizaciones...

Puedes unirte para colaborar, votar y, en resumidas cuentas, participar activamente en la elección de las propuestas que mejor te parezcan de las que presenten todos los grupos en nuestro Grupo de Trabajo de Facebook, donde te garantizamos seriedad y que no será un grupo donde la gente publicará a lo loco, sino organizado para trabajar; o simplemente encontrarnos en nuestra página de Facebook y unirte como fan, haciendo simplemente acto de presencia pero sin colaborar en las votaciones ni en la creación de este proyecto;

domingo, 24 de julio de 2011

Why try to promote the creation of the UOD?

 This blog is intended to be part of the infrastructure of the Union of Democratic Organizations (UOD), the UOD, aims to be echoing the voice of DRY, 15M, Outraged and other political movements or organizations of any kind, provided that they are seeking peaceful and well-being and social equality of the World in general and Spain in particular, as simple as wanting to collect their claims, which are all and make them a reality.

While citing the above movements, the social significance is present at this historic moment for the movement in Spain of a large number of people to demand change for the better ... that is, when someone speaks of Real Democracy Ya, 15M, Angry, Young and Future Housing for ... we all know what kind of claims we mean, so first, and so there is no possible doubt of clarifies that this idea has not been created by any of such movements, this idea has another reason for its birth, the reason that these movements were born, "The very existence of social inequality, the gap between they have everything and those who have less and less or not at all have nothing and a false democratic system, in which four voices do not even see, have power and that foster inequality. "

Before I throw this proposal several similar looking and always came to the same conclusion; take too long to reach a consensual agreement of groups and the pace of work and have some too but it is also not join others for fear to see buried their proposals ... what makes something almost utopian consensus.

That conclusion made me consider what would be that these working groups, these movements, they accept or should accept? The vote of his supporters, members and call them to talk about different types of groups and movements ... but really for all groups and movements, what matters is the vote, the opinion of its members? Of course not, there is but noted that the vast majority of groups or movements, some leaders and bodies, democratically elected or not, are those who actually decide, asking their members, not so much their opinions, but your vote and money, if paid for such membership ...

All this led me to rethink my own personal proposal, which aims to promote the achievement, with the passing of the years of People's Parliament to replace the present Parliament, without realizing it, this proposal for a UOD, as would be created since the establishment of it, a people's Parliament, even on a small scale, only to be larger, as big as decided by the people, the idea was to focus on that every follower of the same had the same decision-making power than I, but the follower or affiliate only looked and seen the work done, without restrictions, with the right to criticism, all right, just make an appearance ... this is something that hurts a little to those who work hard on a project and sees only a few help these hurting people with whom there is not supported, helped or collaborated with them, eventually taking the decision among those few, either in small groups or in more or less open meetings, which remain in the bottom groups of collaborators, finally, without the bulk of the people making the decisions and performance criteria, without really knowing or taking into account the desire and discretion of those who have only made an appearance, despite having means to know what they think and what they want, that is, more of the same, a democracy as rotten as the current few who supposedly are working, why come to believe that it has the right to exclude others, to have astronomical salaries or take advantage of the system that would theoretically change for the better ...

The People's Parliament that is born in my proposal is none other than GIVE REAL POWER TO ALL MEMBERS, SUPPORTERS ... etc. Ability to veto any decision by a majority adequate obligation to help those affiliates to disclose his attempt to veto ... a number of things unthinkable in the current policy, where a few are not interested in releasing the power obtained immorally.

All that said, let me add a reflection, Spain is a country with more than 47 million inhabitants according to the National Institute of Statistics, with 17 regions, 50 provinces and 2 autonomous cities, any of the 50 provinces of Spain, has nearly triple the total population of Iceland, which has 320,000, Iceland, in short, is a large island where everyone knows everyone and somehow are related and interconnected ... if something happens to one of them, that, chain, could very well affect a large percentage of the population in Spain but it is highly unlikely, since everyone goes about their business, to such an extent that today we have a level of social inequality, which grew by leaps and bounds and all the people who are really motivated and very active, working on something to improve things, are centered in their own personal project and I include myself in this to make this criticism. Looking for this marriage because I dispersed a huge number of movements, groups, parties, associations, unions ... and is wasted energy, "Divide and Conquer" and so we have ...

I do not want to disturb anyone, I do not want to discourage anyone, I do not intend to induce it to stop any line of action taken so far ... I ask you not only forget this data and one that I will give; 8 million protesters in Spain in February 2003, all political parties against the Popular Party enjoyed an absolute majority, failed to stop the invasion of Iraq, 8 million are officially recognized. I ask you all to add a little reflection, without deleting any, just add a new line of action ...

That absolute majority of the Popular Party, if it were a party where all members had the right to veto, real power, would not have served the Popular Party to go to war, because their members would have prevented it, that's a People's Parliament itself. I can not think what else I can say to support this proposal.


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